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Be in pole position to make good grades with these pre-exams/tests programs.
The Princeton Review: ACT Premium Prep

The Princeton Review ACT premium prep program, provide the tools needed for success in high school, college, graduate school, and beyond, and helps students become well-rounded applicants with guidance tailored to today’s academic challenges.
It is curated from a proven methodology of test-taking strategies that helps students achieve better scores. It includes 8 full-length practice tests (4 in the book and 4 online) for realistic prep, content reviews for all test sections, techniques for scoring success, and premium online extras.
This Paperback 880pages work book contains powerful tactics to help you avoid traps and beat the ACT; tips for pacing yourself and guessing logically. It also completely blankets all test topics, including the reading and written portions.
With this program on your desk you’re also equipped with thorough review of the skills necessary to help you ace all five ACT sections and information on the ACT Online Testing option, super scores, and more.
Kaplan 8 Practice Tests for the ACT

The Kaplan Test Prep not only prepares you for exams and tests, it helps students grow their knowledge and confidence. Tested by expert psychometricians, this book is a useful companion throughout your academic journey.
With 852 pages content filled, this book offers you a full array of self-paced and live online courses, with over 1, 700 plus of revision questions that tests you practically.
Barron's ACT Premium Study Guide

This ACT Premium Study Guide with 6 Practice Tests is now already in its fourth edition. It has been and still is a tool for ACT candidates of all ages. The practical insights and perspectives evokes the feel of an examination atmosphere yet reduces your stress and improves your intuition.
Its way of keeping you prepared is something unique as it has —based on reviews— been considered to be a stretcher of one’s memory. It’s a must use as it also includes easy to access online tests.
The Official ACT Prep Guide

This 2021 – 2022 guide includes six actual ACT® tests — all of which contain the optional writing test — that you can use to practice at your own pace. To help you review test subjects and improve your understanding, this guide provides clear explanations for every answer.
Something really useful, you’ll also get practical tips for boosting your score on the English, math, reading, and science tests. Additionally, you can access the six tests online through the access code provided in the guide. The code also provides access to 400 online flashcards to help you prepare for all sections in the ACT® examination.
This great product ensures that you understand the procedures needed to be followed when you’re taking the ACT. It prepares you for the type of questions you can expect to find on the test and adopt test-taking strategies that are right for you.
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