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AncestryDNA DNA Activation Kit
Having a quick and reliable DNA testing system is really the high point for this test kit. With a simple activation and medical diagnosis at a professional lab, your DNA results can be ready in no time. The beauty of it all is that you can get your results from any part of the world through the digital space.
DNA + TRAITS: the AncestryDNA kit can also be used to explore your traits and characteristics as a property of your genes. You can better understand factors like endurance, fitness, sensory, and appearance based on the individual’s genes.
PRECISE ETHNICITY AND LIVING RELATIVES: what better way to grow strong ties with your origins than discovering your historical background. A good understanding of a person’s DNA can be useful in appreciating the rich blend of characters and features.
BUILD A FAMILY TREE: our Ancestry subscription helps you combine information gathered from other family trees to gain proper insight into the evolution of your family tree.
Protecting privacy: With this DNA kit, you can be assured of the privacy of your information. We ensure that users have secured data encryption, database, and efficient controls over their data.
MyHeritage DNA Test Kit

DETAILED ETHNICITY RESULTS & MORE REGIONS: our High-resolution breakdown includes more than forty-two ethnic groups and can be said to cover over 2000+ geographic locations. Users get to receive results In a simple, easy-to-understand format.
SIMPLE CHEEK SWAB: once you cheek swab even at home, it’s only a matter of 3-4 weeks before you get results.
DNA MATCHING: the product offers a good shot at matching relatives and families all over the world. The product is the recommended DNA matching kit for the whole of Europe.
HIGHEST PRIVACY STANDARDS: the privacy of the information provided by clients and their results is best kept confidential and reserved. Clients get to determine what their data is used for.
DNA Direct Paternity Test Kit
The DNA Direct Home Paternity Test has swift policies for tests on the ground of allegations of fatherhood. The test kit can be delivered from door to door with simple and easy to execute instructions. The accuracy of the product cannot be, however, overemphasized. Made by a reputable company in the U.S, the product offers clarity on DNA similarity claims. Once you register online, you will get your paternity results posted to you. The Product is not easily shipped to individuals living in New York.
Features & details
Accuracy of test: the most important thing invalidating the claims of a paternity test is the accuracy of the result. However, this kit passes as required standards and can be used anywhere at any time in the world. Some results come in faster; others take as little as two working days.
Patient Confidentiality: the entire process is made discreet and secret only for the consumption of the client.
Customer Feedback: The product Also allows individuals to ask questions and lay complaints to the self-service displayed on the product.
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